Nothing escaped his sight,
as he walked tenderly through the snow
in glade he came upon it there,
a single rose of beauty that had risen from beneath the snow.
As he trudged through the snow, lonesome and weary
having no special place to go, the rose was quietly waiting
from the depths of ground below
Dare he proceed without caution,
and let the beauty of the rose
become the ruler within
but the rose was such a challenge,
he dare not pass it by,
for only her beauty was in the view from his eyes.
For the rose upon the snow,
was beauty that lay upon the ground.
Such tenderness within her, soft petals all around,
the wolf was amazed that in the snowy blanket
such a rose could be found
He paced around the rose waiting for his prey
to make a sound or movement
on that cold winter day,
then the wolf lay down beside her
upon the snowy ground.
His sense of protection was gathered all around.
His warmth surrounded her, but the rose lay quietly
within the blanket of snow for bound by
the roots beneath her she had no place to go.
Beauty in the forest wild reaching for the sun
she feared that her beauty was soon to be outdone
for even with the warmth and protection the wolf who
laid beside her in the snow
the rose would not be able to live beneath the snow.
But the wolf stayed beside her
through all the storms and wind
for the rose had stirred something in his heart
and he felt warmth from deep within.
When the storms of winter passed
and warmth was in the ground,
the rose continued to grow
because of the warmth from the wolf she had found.
His beauty lay within him
and his protection had in part
let the rose beneath the snow
gather winter warmth from his heart
Among the wilderness of imagination this story has no end
because it is about a love that can only grow from deep within.
Be it a wolf and a rose in the snow or two people
that love each other and need to say ...

I love You
With All My Heart

Music~*~"Bette Midler~*~The Rose~*~"